Lend & borrow with long-tail liquidity

Isolated pools. Time-based loans.

Total Volume
$ {{ totalVolume }}
Liquidity Available
$ {{ liquidityAvailable }}

I use Teller like a line of credit. You only pay interest based on the outstanding loan duration and you can refinance the loan at anytime to get the best available terms.

Mason Cagnoni
COO Wasabi

Teller is great for me because I can’t watch the market 24/7. It’s simple — I know that if I pay back what I borrowed on time, then I can’t be liquidated.


Teller allows mpETH token holders to engage in DeFi strategies without selling the LST, now anyone can participate as liquidity provider to earn yield with mpETH.

Claudio Cossio
CEO Metapool
Borrow & Lend

Use Any Ethereum Asset

No margin calls. Up to 30 days.

Time-Based Loans

Collateral token
  • {{item.symbol}}
Collateral token amount needed
{{ requiredCollateral }} {{ collateralToken.symbol }}
Start borrowing
Backed by leading investors

Still have questions?

How does borrowing work?

Teller enables time-based loans for 1-30 days, with any ERC20 or NFT as collateral & no margin call liquidations.

When a loan is accepted, the collateral is transferred into a new, isolated escrow vault. In the same transaction, the lending token is transferred from the lender to the borrower. Teller loans cannot be liquidated based on price fluctuations. As long as the loan is repaid, the collateral is safe.

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How does lending work?

Anyone can lend to any collateral token. Lenders create custom loan terms which are then accepted by a borrower. If a borrower doesn’t repay, LPs get the first right of refusal to liquidate and seize any collateral.

Supplied funds remain in your wallet, which means you can make an unlimited amount of loan offers with the same capital.

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Are there risks?

Borrowers and lenders should DYOR before engaging in any lending activity on Teller. DeFi is risky and results are not typical. Even though there is no risk of liquidation for borrowers (as long as they repay their loan), a loss of capital could lead to a default - which would trigger a liquidation. Due to fluctuating market conditions, lenders should actively monitor their commitments (especially LTVs).

Teller's smart contracts are open source and can be found in the public Github repository below. In addition, a public audit by Sherlock can be found at sherlock.xyz. In the event of a smart contract exploit, audited Teller smart contracts are insured for up to $1.4 million by Sherlock. However, if an exploit exceeds this amount, the insurance claim would not cover all funds.

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